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Important info:

So you may think I have abandoned  this website to say I will rarely update it because since I made this website I had started to do a lot more things. I have started creating my own video games and mods for other games with that I created a brand new clean website with all my mods and I am currently just keeping that website in order so I haven't had time to look after this one plus this website is also at the bottom of my priorities. So now you most likely want to know where to go to find all of this info about my games and mods. Well at the bottom of this page I will have a link to the website and there are a huge load of mods and some games all ready available for download. There is also a community page were you can go for more info on mods or to talk and have your say on the mods. Now one other thing I have removed the blog why? It's because it hasn't been updated for more than a year and the stuff in the blog is irrelevant to current times. I have also removed the awesome people page because it was a bit messy and also out dated. Anyways that's all for now.


Your sincerely


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